Raunak Hajela: AMP – The Present and Future of Quick Content Delivery

One of the most important things for a person who’s searching for a piece of information is speed. If they don’t find what they are looking for within a couple of seconds they just close the website and look for another alternative. This might not seem a great problem but when your business is dependent on search traffic and you make money off ads or sell a product, every visitor is worth a lot, you can’t simply afford to lose someone.

To cater this problem Google launched Accelerated Mobile Pages or AMP which is an opensource technology that follows standard HTML markup and optimized JavaScript in order to deliver content at lightning fast speeds. Earlier it was rolled out to News & Media websites but today you can take advantages of this technology on almost any website. This talk is about how you can easily make your WordPress sites amp optimized, the pros cons and future of this amazing technology.

About Raunak

Raunak Hajela is the Head Of Development & Technology at WhataStory, a leading creative agency based in Hyderabad. Raunak has a passion for programming and started his journey with Web-Development in HTML/CSS back in 2012 and over the years has accuqired the skills for UX Design, Front End Development, Android, PHP and other kinds of languages. He’s been a WordPress enthutiast for a long time and loves to experiment with the enviroment by building amazing themes & plugins for both himself & clients.

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